Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Kylie's 3rd Birthday!!!

We can't believe that our baby girl turned 3 on January 10th!!! Time has flown by and it's hard to believe that she isn't really our "baby" anymore...She is an amazing sister to Jaxon and is definitely a spit-fire! She LOVES babies, music, dancing, puppies, kitties, and eating :) Her favorite characters are Hello Kitty and Strawberry Shortcake. She is definitely our girly girl and likes her nails painted, hair preferably in a braid, and sparkly shoes. She started swimming lessons this year and so far strongly dislikes it. She also started dance lessons and spent the first one on my lap.

For her birthday, she had a breakfast complete with a candle in french toast and then went to daycare and shared her cupcakes. Due to our crazy schedules, we planned to celebrate her birthday a day late. We went to the Mall of America and had lunch at the American Girl Bistro, went on some rides at Nickelodean Universe, and went to Sea Life. We finished the evening with a Hello Kitty cake and presents.

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